Thursday, October 25, 2012

the perks of being a housewife/bum

Currently, I am super unemployed. {that's right. SUPER unemployed.} Right now it doesn't feel so bad because I just got married and I have an awesome husband who is patient and wonderful, but in about a week or so I predict a big breakdown involving mascara stains on my husband's shirt from my overdramatic sobs and a whole lot of self-loathing.

 Oh, that doesn't sound fun to you? Weird.

But, I suppose there are a few good things about being unemployed:

  • I get to stay in my pajamas until my husband comes home for lunch {and then I change because I feel really guilty that I'm in my pajamas and still haven't finished the to-do list I started on Monday...}.
  • I get to write this {hopefully} fabulous blog about my {not-so} fabulous life. 
  • I get to bask in the joys of being newly married without having a stressful job cramp my style {that's pre-supposing that I have style to cramp, of course}.
  • Sometimes I get to not even know what the weather is like all day because I've stayed inside all day {that's not really a good thing. I'm really trying hard to make it sound good so I can have more positives..}.
Okay, who am I kidding? Not having a job is dumb. But, hopefully, it will all change soon! Though it isn't anything substantial and definitely not a "big girl" job, I did get a call back from a day care that might {hopefully!} hire me part time! Hopefully it will be the best of both worlds: I'll get to sleep in, be able to write my blog, AND get to feel what the weather outside is like! {SCORE!}

Anyway, I would definitely appreciate some prayers and kind thoughts! 

And in return for sending good thoughts and prayers my way, I'll leave you with this picture of a gang of happy llamas that will brighten your day!

{They're pretty pleased that you're being so nice to me}

Thanks for the love!


  1. In further news: I just called the daycare back and they're going to hire me! Hooray for this blog very quickly turning out to be old news!! :)

  2. YAY for the hire!!! Excited for you. Love it as always. :)
